4 Methods for Detecting Refrigerant Leakage

造成冷媒 泄漏的原因一般是系统管路老化、化学腐蚀或人为原因造成的。当制冷剂泄漏时,可能会造成意想不到的损坏,因此我们需要检查泄漏点并及时处理。以下是检测制冷剂泄漏的四种方法。
Freon refrigerant is composed of halogen elements. When halogen elements meet with burning copper, they chemically react with copper to form copper halide, which changes the color of the flame to green or purple. When the leakage changes from small to large, the color of the flame will also change from slightly green-light green-green-dark green-purple green. Therefore, the leakage point and the amount of leakage can be judged based on the color of the flame. When detecting a leak, first ignite the halogen leak detection lamp, and then use the rubber tube port of the probe to detect the refrigeration components, while observing the color of the flame, you can quickly find the leak point and determine the amount of leakage.
Soap bubble leak detection
The use of soap bubbles for refrigerant leakage detection is convenient and effective. Cut the soap into small pieces, soak in hot water, stir to melt, and turn into a pale yellow solution after cooling. When checking for leaks, first wipe the area to be inspected, and then use a clean brush dipped in soapy water to apply around the area to be inspected, carefully observe whether there are bubbles, if bubbles appear, it means that the area is leaking.
Water Leak Detection
Water immersion leak detection is mainly used to detect refrigerant leaks in refrigerator compressors, evaporators, condensers, and other components. Before the test, fill the tested component with 0.8MPa (megapascal) ~ 1Mpa (megapascal) helium or dry air, and then put the tested component into warm water at about 50 degrees Celsius, carefully observe whether there are bubbles, such as Bubbles indicate that there is a refrigerant leak in the tested part. When detecting a leak, there should be enough light in this part, the observation time should be no less than 1 minute, and the tested part should be immersed below 200mm of the water surface.
Oil spill detection
When performing refrigerant leakage detection, please carefully observe whether there is oil contamination on the outer wall of the refrigerant system, and pay special attention to the welding of the aluminum tube and copper tube of the evaporator, the inner wall of the evaporator, and the welding parts of the high and low-pressure tubes of the compressor, such as interfaces, filters The inlet and outlet interfaces of the dryer. If the leak is not obvious, you can wear white gloves or touch the suspicious place with white paper. If there is oil on the gloves, it means there is a leak, mark it here to fix the leak.